A Case for Psychoanalysis: Exploring the Scientific Evidence
Compares and contrasts psychoanalytic therapy to antidepressants and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) via scientific data.

Fairbairn & Guntrip
Object-Relations Theory, Fairbairn's cartography of endopsychic structurre, Guntrip's addition, Carveth's revisions and additions, the romanticism of Fairbairn and Guntrip. This lecture summarizes my paper here: http://www.yorku.ca/dcarveth/Fairbairn.htm

Freud & Beyond 2016 #8: Narcissism Lacan, Aichhorn, Kohut, Spotnitz, Kernberg
Narcissism; Lacan's mirror-stage; Aichhorn; Kohut; Spotnitz. Tragic man is guilty

The Politics of Psychoanalytic Lexicography
Recorded at University of New Mexico School of Medicine - Department of Psychiatry - Grand Rounds. Subtitle: How we saved our language from "court fops, half-witted poets and University boys"

Freud's Three Main Contributions
1. Human conflict and contradiction, 2. Disguise and defence. 3. The Oedipus complex.

Horney, Sullivan, Fromm
Tour of 3 prominent Neo-Freudian analysts

Personality: Carl Jung and Karen Horney
15min speedrun through Jung and Horney

The Repetition Compulsion All Over Again
Excellent 45min video on repetition compulsion, foundational for all analysts

Psychodynamic Theories
Family therapist gives overview on psychoanalysis, object relations, transference, and other common psychodynamic methods

Theories of Counseling - Adlerian Therapy
20-or-so minute presentation on Adler's therapeutic process

Dr. Eric Berne - Games People Play - The Practice Part I
From a 1966 video presentation (practice, part 1)

Dr. Eric Berne - Games People Play - The Practice Part II
From a 1966 video presentation (practice, part 2)

Dr. Eric Berne - Games People Play - The Theory Part I
From a 1966 video presentation (theory, part 1)

Dr. Eric Berne - Games People Play - The Theory Part II
From a 1966 video presentation (theory, part 2)

Erich Fromm - Disobedience: A Moral or Psychological Problem (1962)
Classic video from Fromm on disobedience

Interview with Jacob Arlow at Wayne State University
Jacob Arlow interviewed by interviewed by Frank H. Parcells, M.D.

Bowen Family Systems Theory
Brief, animated overview of Bowen's family system concept

PSY 317 Theories of Personality - Adler & Sullivan
1hr+ whirlwind into Alfred Adler and Harry Stack Sullivan

Personality Theories Erik Erikson & Dan McAdams
1hr 30min video into Erikson's ego psychology and Dan McAdams

Theories of Personality Karen Horney & Erich Fromm - Terror Management Part II
40 min lecture on Fromm and Terror Management Theory

Theories of Personality - Karen Horney & Erich Fromm Part I
Hour long lecture on Karen Horney

Object Relations Part II - Theories of Personality
Kohut's kohut (0:00), Kernberg's transference focused therapy (8:00), Nancy Chodorow (17:00), Relational-cultural theory (RCT @ 40:00)

Heinz Kohut - Reflections on Empathy
Nice snippet of Kohut handling those who mistake his concepts (0:50)

Splitting & Projection - Critical Social Psychology (16/30)
3 minute excerpt on splitting and projection (Kleinian object relations)

Introduction To Psychoanalysis: Otto Kernberg
Hour-long dive into psychoanalytic case examples with Kernberg (object relationalist)

Sheldon Solomon - "Self Esteem" - Anthropology 322 (4) + Ernest Becker
Comparison of West vs East's individuality and cooperation and how self-esteem / value is decided by culture

Borderline, Transference Focused Psychotherapy, Low Libido, and Dependency
(Audio only) 0-35min mentions TFP / Kernberg

Dr. Sheldon Solomon on Defenses Against Death Anxiety
Having a designated inferior / hate objects / scapegoating as a way to relieve feelings of basic anxiety. Tranquilizing oneself with the trivial (Kierkegaard)

Dr. Sheldon Solomon on The Fantasy Bond
Name drops "Basic Anxiety" by Karen Horney and "Primary Terror" in attachment theory

Sheldon Solomon - on Personality
Minute long snippet on personality theories

From Cradle to Grave: A Terror Management Theory Analysis of Parenthood
Terror management theories on having children, which could minimize or magnify anxiety

Sheldon Solomon: "Overcoming the Fear of Death"
Hour long presentation on Terror management theory

Sheldon Solomon on Death Awareness/Acceptance and Gratitude
Another good TMT video (around 45min)