Analytical Psychology
Also known as Analytical Psychology
A fresh take on the human condition, brimming analogies to literary archetypes, embracing polarities, proportionality, contradictions and conceiving libido as pure psychic energy, not sexual energy.
Psychic energy / libido can is energy focused on an event - like Cathexis in Freudian-speak - Jung uses the term "value".
- Libido
- Anima
- Animus
- Archetype
- Attitude
- Compensation
- Complex
- Enantiodromia
- Extroversion
- Function
- Individuation
- Inflation
- Instinct
- Introversion
- Mandala
- Numinosum
- Principle of Opposites
- Principle of Equivalence
- Principle of Charity
- Progression
- Projection
- Psychic energy
- Regression
- Repression
- Self
- Transcendent function
- Symbol
- Synchronicity
- Value
- Word association test